After weeks of procrastination and perhaps doubt about the value of his musings, the Art Hedger, prompted by “Art Guy’s" Charles Desmarais’, tackles the question: Is African American art having a moment? He makes it clear that the “moment” question is at least 11 years old. It’s a “moment” decade, if not centuries building, in the making, and maybe, we can all agree, a long time coming. His conclusion: The question “Why African American Art is Hot" is skin-deep. I believe it ignores the complex sociocultural, economic, and political legacy of America. It allows for the possibility that progress is fleeting (and it might be) and does not recognize the pain of dreams exploded and deferred. Art is our mirror…”
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The Collector’s muze is the Art Blog for Art Hedge. The first blog introduces the Art Hedge Collection: art works by Dwight Beard, Dr. Cora Marshall, Ann Tanksley, Al Loving..
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